About Wayne Spaulding ~ Midwest USA Seminar Facilitator
Wayne SpauldingFor 33 years, Wayne Spaulding of Racine, Wisconsin was a smoker with a two-pack-a-day habit, having tried various methods to quit, none of which worked. Fearing that he would never break free of the smoking addiction that was holding him down, he picked up a book titled “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” by Allen Carr. After reading Carr’s best-selling book, he successfully stopped smoking in September 2014.
The book changed his life in a dramatic fashion and became driven by the possibility of sharing his pathway to success with others. Four months after reading Allen Carr’s book, he traveled to Allen Carr’s headquarters in London, England and became the program’s first franchise owner in the United States.
Contact Wayne regarding Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking Seminars.